hiding a shy and painfully awkward person, except

it feels awkward and painful, then it feels bad.

worrying word for word, except

the words forgotten, was anything said?

did anyone notice?

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I love to see everything you write, and this specially was so uplifting, specially because I can see myself in so many of these things with the social anxiety, makes me feel hopeful that I can improve as well !

Thank you for sharing this with us <3

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Ani ❤️ I don't how are you doing it, but you do speak straight out of my soul. I can relate so hard it's crazy :)

Speaking language that is not "your own" in front of others whilst carrying the burden of knowing that there is so much more to you than what's visible through your vocal presentation at that moment. I still have many blocks in this area.. Writing is fine and very enjoyable for me, yet speaking can get hard quickly and easily when anxiety and/or fear of judgement/rejection will kick in.

Thank you for everything you do and share..

So much love to you, dear fellow earthling 😌


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