I love croissants. It's true-- I like to pick the best one. Nevertheless, often I tell the croissant person to pick the best one for me because being around croissants all day makes them more professional. Right? They know which pastries are bottom-soft or burned. They know American croissants tend to be soft, a bit limp, spongy or doughy. A good croissant, on the other hand, has crunch and flaky crumbs. The French know how to make a good croissant-- soft inside, that's the heart of the pastry-- the best croissants have a heart of gold. Kissing a lot of frogs to find a good croissant isn't very healthy nor efficient. The wrong croissant is a waste of (tea or coffee) and jam. The right croissant is the start of a conversation which ends in a beautiful relationship.

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Ani, qué bonito :`)

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